by Lindsey Eck
with apologies to Levon by Elton John and Bernie Taupin
Elon wears his Ray-Bans like a clown
Calls his child X Æ A-12
Cause he likes the name
Sends his Teslas through a tunnel underground
And Elon, Elon likes his money
He lost a lot they say
Spends his days tweeting
From a spaceport down Boca Chica way
He was born a scion to a boss
In the RSA
Then The New York Times said cryptos rad
And the crash had begun
Austin, Texas, has a czar today
And he shall be Elon
And he shall be a rich man
And he shall be Elon
In tradition with the family plan
And he shall be Elon
And he shall be a rich man
He shall be Elon
Elon sells cars to tycoons in town
Hes had his fill of Grimes
Twitter blows up the news all day
He whiffed in court while Justice mulls fines
His meanness sent loads of jobs to Venus
While Elon heads to Mars
Start with the moon while Twitters failing
IT men, IT men bear the scars
He was born
Original lyrics © MMXXV Corner Oak MusicFor You (BMI). All rights reserved to author. Based on Levon by Elton John and Bernie Taupin. Fair use under the parody exception. Portrait of Elon Musk: Arthur Ribeiro.