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Archives of Oak |
8 May 2011
Our performances page is thoroughly updated to include all Blue Oak artists.
17 March 2011
Lindsey Eck performs at B.B Rovers.
26 February 2011
Our latest newsletter The Log is now available. Austin Lounge Llzards, Illicit Response, Darian Eck, Daniel Staite, and more.
17 January 2011
Healer, author, and recording artist Daniel Staite gets his own index page. Links to Danis books, CDs, and Web site.
6 November 2010
Our second newsletter The Log is now available, including news about the 22nd annual Lone Star Vegan Chili Cookoff, 7 November. Blue Oak Record Group welcomes Marisa Manning as its newest signed artist.
29 September 2010
A new Leaves column suggests a new reality series for Fox: Americas Next Great Talking Point.
10 September 2010
So much happening at the Oak, I had to create a newsletter! Also, the Performances page has been updated to include Lindseys show at the 22nd annual Lone Star Vegan Chili Cookoff, 7 November. Note Lindseys talk tonight at McDade Jam called So You Want to Record? Lindsey is still jubilant over taking second place in the Austin Songwriters Group contest, Reggae Hip-Hop /Rap category. The Corner Oak is now a member of Basconet.
15 July 2010
A new Leaves column suggests Paul the Octopus might be smarter than people in capping the Gulf oil leak.
22 May 2010
Brand new home page and downloads page.
26 February 2010
New in Leaves of Oak: The Birther, a song parody aimed at the so-called Tea Party movement.
6 February 2010
Posted text from the soon-to-be-released Blue Oak CD, Meditation for Interpersonal Relations by Daniel Staite. This disk follows up on last years Meditation for Healing.
5 December 2009
Updated to mention a special Christmas performance by Lindsey Eck.
25 November 2009
A new satirical dialog observes that Disneys setting its new animated feature in Louisiana means the interracial prince-and-princess couple may have to live in sin.
12 November 2009
The Psychic Cowboys and Danny Santos are coming to BOSSSS.
23 October 2009
Lindsey Eck announces a performance at Elgins Hogeye Festival.
24 July 2009
Clffhanger headlines the latest BOSSSS.
9 June 2009
Lindsey will perform a two-hour set (a chance to hear some of the less often performed tunes) at a new venue, the Oaxacan Tamaleo, on 21 June in Cedar Creek near Bastrop and not too far from the Austin airport. Details and map.
5 June 2009
The Austin Lounge Lizards have covered Lindseys Too Big to Fail! It was featured during their headline set at the Kerrville Folk Festival on 22 May, has received airplay on KUT-FM, and now you can watch them do it on YouTube. You can also still buy the original CD.
14 April 2009
Check out the Blue Oak Record Groups Singer-Songwriter Showcase Series.
25 March 2009
A new essay discusses why Lindsey doesnt consider himself a liberal (its about nannyism).
15 March 2009
We announce the new Blue Oak Singer-Songwriter Showcase at our Performances page.
9 March 2009
A new essay lists conservative talking points vs. reality.
6 March 2009
Hear the new radio spot for Blue Oak Record Group, currently playing on KTAE AM 1330 in central Texas.
21 February 2009
The Performances page is updated with Lindseys latest show, and info about the CD release for Meditation for Healing.
17 February 2009
A new toon spoofs the never-ending bank bailouts.
3 February 2009
Blue Oak Records announces its first full-length release, already selling online at CD Baby. Shaman and meditation leader Daniel Staite invites you to envision love and joy as a pink light to heal body and spirit. The text is now available on our site.
20 December 2008
The page for Blue Oak Records has received a complete makeover to feature new and upcoming releases (and a new free download). And a brand new page celebrates the release of Lindsey Ecks two-song CD Patriot with a link for buying the disk online.
5 November 2008
At the Leaves page, election reactions including a link to a map that sizes the states by electoral votes.
6 October 2008
A new opinion piece gives a Texan viewpoint on a proposed federal bailout of Californias debt.
20 August 2008
Check out the new Oak People page!
24 July 2008
Lindsey will again perform at B.B. Rovers, 29 July.
19 July 2008
In a new Leaves of Oak essay, Lindsey argues we should admit that democracy has no future in the United States and we should start planning for what kind of autocracy we would prefer.
25 March 2008
A new Leaves of Oak essay on the collapse of investment bank Bear Stearns, and what the remedy has to say about American governance.
6 March 2008
A new Leaves of Oak report on one mans experience at a Texas caucus. And another new show! Lindsey will perform at Jerrys Artarama of Austin, 8 March. Two shows in one day!
29 February 2008
Lindsey announces a performance at the Elgin Art Walk, 8 March.
19 February 2008
Toons on a roll! A new one on Ben Bernanke giving the Federal Reserve what it demands.
8 February 2008
And another new toon on Mitt Romneys collapse in the GOP primaries.
4 February 2008
Newly posted: a toon about the real reason they created that rat heart in the lab.
2 February 2008
New free MP3 download! Get The Ballad of Ricky Williams here.
25 January 2008
Updated the Performance Calendar with two new shows.
19 January 2008
Completely redesigned lyrics page for Everybody Calls You Rain with an illustration by painter Mara Kelly.
6 January 2008
Newly posted: a toon about Sen. Clinton's teetering candidacy.
8 December 2007
Lindsey offers a satirical Christmas carol for the subprime-default era.
28 November 2007
Lindsey announces a performance in downtown Elgin, TX.
6 November 2007
Lindsey vents his spleen on the latest proposal to quiet the music district.
7 October 2007
Lindsey announces hell rock the 19th Annual Austin Vegan Chili Cook-Off.
6 September 2007
Completely redesigned lyrics page for Bad for Business with new illustration by Darian Eck.
5 September 2007
Newly posted: a toon on disgraced Larry Craigs reconsideration of his resignation from the Senate.
14 August 2007
A modest proposal for making the best use of force-fed Guantánamo prisoners: foie gras.
30 March 2007
Added a new song from The Sermon on the Mount (sheet music, PDF file) called Dont Flaunt Your Charity, meant to medley with the following Lords Prayer.
8 March 2007
A new leaf suggests a reason nobody else seems to have noticed why Giuliani remains so popular with the GOP base.
31 January 2007
Off site: On Philip Glass 70th birthday, NewMusicBox has posted Lindseys review of the U.S. premiere (in Austin) of his new opera Waiting for the Barbarians.
13 January 2007
Newly posted: a toon on Bushs harebrained plan to surge more troops into the Iraqi meatgrinder.
23 December 2006
Just in time for Christmas! A new original carol by Lindsey Eck called The Prince of Peace. Also, a new Leaf on PBS fundraising.
29 November 2006
A new toon on Bushs claim that theres no civil war in Iraq.
15 October 2006
Lindsey returns to B. B. Rovers on Election Day.
27 October 2006
Lindsey pens a leaf on the issues that a change in parties wont address this Election Day.
15 October 2006
Lindsey returns to B. B. Rovers on Election Day.
14 October 2006
More new lyrics! The Ballad of Ricky Williams recounts the recent adventures of the hapless running back. New illustration by Darian Eck.
12 October 2006
Newly posted: complete lyrics (draft) for The Sermon on the Mount, Lindsey Ecks rendering of Matthew 57 into contemporary English verse suitable for singing.
16 September 2006
Newly posted: an arrangement of The Lords Prayer for single voice plus guitar, part of the ongoing Sermon on the Mount project.
26 August 2006
Lindsey announces a new gig in tiny Smithville, Texas.
23 August 2006
A new toon on the plight of poor Pluto, no longer a planet.
9 August 2006
A leaf in parodic lyrics, celebrating the downfall of Joe Lieberman.
5 August 2006
A new toon on the disputed Mexican election.
2 August 2006
Lindsey reviews Matisyahu at The Ethical Spectacle (off site).
28 July 2006
In a new leaf, Lindsey suggests what to do with unwanted SUVS: Use em to house the homeless.
29 June 2006
Added a new version, for classical guitar, of Life and Death Rag (movement 1 of The Story of an Hour) in PDF to previously posted Movements 34 here. Also, Lindsey returns to B.B. Rovers.
25 June 2006
Added a new version, for classical guitar, of Bittersweet Joy (movement 3 of The Story of an Hour) in PDF. Movement 4 is already posted. These are the main themes in a work that will take the form of themes and variations. View them here.
3 June 2006
Added chord sheets to the lyrics page for Highway Treasures (scroll below end of lyrics for links to chord sheets).
22 May 2006
Added a pic of the newest Instrument of the Corner Oak, a Yamaha Spanish guitar named Desdemona, and pics of two basses (see Gallery 1).
5 May 2006
Newly posted: a sample page of a new classical-guitar version of Lindsey Ecks The Story of an Hour. Also, Lindsey is pleased to announce that his essay Defining Country Music, originally Web-published here has been selected for an anthology of essays on popular culture, tentatively titled The [Next] Reader: Reading and Writing Critically About Popular Culture, to be published in September by McGraw-Hill.
12 May 2006
Newly posted: Info on Lindseys latest gig.
3 September 2005
The latest leaf explains why New Orleans looks so much like Baghdad: Bush is in charge of both.
23 August 2005
In a new leaf, Lindsey denounces the false prophecy of Pat Robertson, who is advocating the murder of a head of state.
11 August 2005
Added lyrics to Cincinnati Daddy and Louisiana Jan, with a new illustration by Darian Eck.
4 June 2005
A new Leaf suggests we go further than doing away with the filibuster lets abolish the U.S. Senate.
21 February 2005
A review of John Coriglianos third symphony, Circus Maximus, performed by the University of Texas Wind Ensemble.
27 October 2004
A new Leaf asks whether television is about to spoil another election.
22 October 2004
See Gallery Two for a new toon on the Iraq mess.
9 July 2004
In a new Leaf, Lindsey contemplates his possible replacement in Karachi.
29 June 2004
In a new Leaf, our fantasy: Madonna calls the Dr. Laura show to talk about the Kabbala.
7 June 2004
A new Leaf because Im not going to be able to take another week of love for Ron Reagan.
1 April 2004
Yesterdays Leaf updated to take note of the Jason Patric arrest; the article was picked up at Arts Journal.
31 March 2004
A new Leaves of Oak essay on Austins bogus reputation as music-friendly appears here.
28 March 2004
Lindsey Ecks performance calendar added here.
24 September 2003
New editorial cartoon added at Gallery Two.
7 September 2003
New Leaves of Oak essay; sheet music as PDFs added to Compositions page; new high-rez pix at Gallery One: Instruments. (Click on individual instruments for detailed version in new window.)
31 August 2003
Now uploaded: opinion at Leaves of Oak, as well as a general index page for Articles and two new streaming audio tracks at Compositions.
28 August 2003
Now available: our articles index page.
22 August 2003
New pages include our gallery of editorial cartoons, as well as pages on audio services and Blue Oak Records.
11 August 2003
New pages include the first of our galleries, as well as lyrics for Bad for Business; also the page for Highway Treasures has had a full makeover.
26 July 2003
The Oak sprouts again! The new Corner Oak Web site debuts.